We’re here to help you break free from smoking by giving you the information and inspiration you need. These articles give you details both about smoking and quitting, as well as motivation to start on your quit journey. Think of them as your tools to do an amazing thing – to stop smoking for good.
Your Quit Smoking Journey: Benefits of Setting Goals and Rewards
NICORETTE® explains the benefits of setting goals and rewards to help better manage your cigarette cravings and navigate your quit journey.
Myths About Quitting Smoking
Quitting is hard enough, don't let misinformation derail you. Read NICORETTE ® smoking myth busters, because having the right information will help you quit for good.
Calculate Your Savings
Explore the cost of cigarettes and use NICORETTE® savings calculator to discover how much money you can save by quitting smoking.

Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking Timeline
What happens when you quit smoking? Discover the positive effects on your body from 20 minutes to 10 years after quitting with this timeline.
Facts About Nicotine and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
Learn the facts about nicotine and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products like NICORETTE®, so you can quit smoking successfully.
Ready to Quit Smoking Completely? Take the NICORETTE® First Week Challenge®.
If you stay smoke-free for the first week of quitting smoking, you’re 9x more likely to quit for good. Take the NICORETTE® First Week Challenge®.